Beaver Works Summer Institute
Please see the email below, and share this page with people that you think may be interested:
My name is Lisa Kelley and I am the Manager of a STEM program that takes place at MIT over the summer. We are reaching out to your school to see if we could possibly interest any of your students in the courses.
Background information on MIT Beaver Works Summer Institute program is given below and in the attachments. We would love to see the participation of your high school students or if you know of another high school that would like to participate please let us know there information and we can reach out to them directly.
MIT Beaver Works Summer Institute is an exciting new Beaver Works ( ) initiative focused on high school students. We had our first Beaver Works Summer Institute program in 2016 and it was huge success (4-week residential program at MIT, no-cost to students, 46 students from 24 high schools, 24 from out of state and 22 from Boston area as daytime students).
Last year we expanded the program to 3 projects (Autonomous RACECAR, Autonomous UAV racing and Autonomous Cognitive Assistant) with corresponding 3 online courses as prerequisites. We had over 350 students signed up for the online courses and we have admitted 98 students (35 students from 17 MA high schools and 63 students from 32 out-of-state high schools) for the summer program. In addition, we had two teams (12 students) from Mexico participate in the final RACECAR race (August 6, 2017) at MIT through MIT MISTI-Mexico Program ( and two teams (8 students) from Nauset High School (Cape Cod, MA) in the final competition for the RACECAR. Final Challenge and Awards Ceremony was on August 6th at MIT campus – you can check out videos on our YouTube channel,
This year we plan to expand the program to ~8-9 projects: Autonomous RACECAR, Autonomous UAV, Cognitive Assistant, Hacking a 3D Printer, AI for Medical Challenge, Fake News Hackathon, Embedded System Cyber Capture-the-Flag, CubeSat, and UAV SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar). I have attached a BWSI 2018 brochure for you.
Please feel free to forward and share.
We look forward to hearing from you,
Lisa Kelley
Manager, Beaver Works Summer Institute
Business Manager, Beaver Works
300 Technology Square
Cambridge, MA 02139
244 Wood Street
Lexington, MA 02420
My name is Lisa Kelley and I am the Manager of a STEM program that takes place at MIT over the summer. We are reaching out to your school to see if we could possibly interest any of your students in the courses.
Background information on MIT Beaver Works Summer Institute program is given below and in the attachments. We would love to see the participation of your high school students or if you know of another high school that would like to participate please let us know there information and we can reach out to them directly.
MIT Beaver Works Summer Institute is an exciting new Beaver Works ( ) initiative focused on high school students. We had our first Beaver Works Summer Institute program in 2016 and it was huge success (4-week residential program at MIT, no-cost to students, 46 students from 24 high schools, 24 from out of state and 22 from Boston area as daytime students).
Last year we expanded the program to 3 projects (Autonomous RACECAR, Autonomous UAV racing and Autonomous Cognitive Assistant) with corresponding 3 online courses as prerequisites. We had over 350 students signed up for the online courses and we have admitted 98 students (35 students from 17 MA high schools and 63 students from 32 out-of-state high schools) for the summer program. In addition, we had two teams (12 students) from Mexico participate in the final RACECAR race (August 6, 2017) at MIT through MIT MISTI-Mexico Program ( and two teams (8 students) from Nauset High School (Cape Cod, MA) in the final competition for the RACECAR. Final Challenge and Awards Ceremony was on August 6th at MIT campus – you can check out videos on our YouTube channel,
This year we plan to expand the program to ~8-9 projects: Autonomous RACECAR, Autonomous UAV, Cognitive Assistant, Hacking a 3D Printer, AI for Medical Challenge, Fake News Hackathon, Embedded System Cyber Capture-the-Flag, CubeSat, and UAV SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar). I have attached a BWSI 2018 brochure for you.
Please feel free to forward and share.
We look forward to hearing from you,
Lisa Kelley
Manager, Beaver Works Summer Institute
Business Manager, Beaver Works
300 Technology Square
Cambridge, MA 02139
244 Wood Street
Lexington, MA 02420

beaver_works_summer_institute_2018_brochure__february_2018_.pdf | |
File Size: | 1725 kb |
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Joint Science and Technology Institute

Please share this announcement with colleagues, students, and parents!
Good afternoon,
I want to make you aware of three summer programs for highschool students, high school teachers, and middle school studentsin Aberdeen, MD sponsored by the U.S. Army Defense ThreatReduction Agency (DTRA). All three programs are fully-funded,expense-paid, residential programs. Flyers to print or email areavailable at links below for each program.
High school students and high school teachers will spend two-weeks conducting research with scientists and subject matterexperts. Middle school students will spend one-week completingSTEM challenges.
Applications for all three programs are available at
Deadline for all applications is March 11, 2018, 11:59 p.m. EasternDaylight Time
The Joint Science and Technology Institute for Students (JSTI-HS)will select current high school students in the United States or inDepartment of Defense schools for dependent children. Thepurpose of the program is to expose students to scientificresearch through hands-on projects, to enable students to workwith real-world scientists, and to increase students’ interest andawareness of career opportunities in related fields.
To be eligible, high school students should be US citizens, age 15by July 1, 2017, and plan to be enrolled in high school next year inthe 10th, 11th, or 12th grades. The program dates are July 21 –August 3, 2018. Students must attend high school in the UnitedStates or at a DODEA school overseas. All expenses are paid forthe students, including travel to and from the program location inAberdeen, MD, even for students located outside the continentalUnited States.
All students are encouraged to participate, regardless of GPA. Adiverse group of students will be selected.
Program flyer for print or email is available at
The Joint Science and Technology Institute (JSTI-T) provides atwo-week research program for High School Teachers which isheld in conjunction with the high school student program, July 21– August 3, 2018. Teachers in the United States and Departmentof Defense schools outside the United States are eligible to apply.Expenses, including transportation, will be covered by theprogram. In addition, teachers receive a $1,500 stipend.
Participating teachers are NOT responsible for participatingstudents. Staff teachers will supervise students. Teachers andstudents do not apply together. The two programs are heldsimultaneously to manage costs.
Program flyer for print or email is available at
The Joint Science and Technology Institute for Middle SchoolStudents (JSTI-MS) will select current 5th, 6th, and 7th gradestudents from the United States for a one-week, residential STEMchallenge program in Aberdeen, Maryland. The purpose of theprogram is to expose students to STEM challenges through hands-on projects and to increase students’ interest and awareness ofcareer opportunities in related fields. Transportation and otherexpenses will be covered by the program. Students must attendschool in the United States.
To be eligible, middle school students should be U.S. citizens, age11 by July 1, 2018, and plan to be enrolled in middle school nextyear in the 6th, 7th, or 8th grades. The program dates are July 29– August 3, 2018. All expenses are paid for the students, includingtravel to and from the program location in Aberdeen, MD.
Program flyer for print or email is available at
All students in high school and middle school with a 2.0 GPA orhigher are encouraged to participate. A diverse group of studentswill be selected.
If you need additional information, please contact me.
Thank you for helping to promote this program.
Have a wonderful day!
Marie Westfall
Section Manager
Scientific Assessment and
Workforce Development
P.O. Box 117, MS 36
Oak Ridge, TN 37830
865-576-3425 (office)
865-235-9691 (cell)
865-576-1609 (fax)
[email protected]
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